Sunday, April 3, 2016

April 4-April 10

Week 1:

Class: Squat Cycle Day 1
Position strength group - Every squat set begins with the first 3 reps as 3s Pause Squats for the first 2 weeks of this cycle.
All other groups do the cycle as written, make any adjustments in squats that have been needed.

Raw Strength/Strength position (Moving forward will just be "RS"):
1) 5 x 3 Hang Power Clean @ 80% Power Clean max
2) EMOM15:
a) Supine Barbell Row x 10 Reps @ 95/65
b) Front Rack Bulgarian Split Squats x 10 Reps R leg (95/65, same barbell)
c) Front Rack Bulgarian Split Squats x 10 Reps L leg

Gymnastics Strength (Moving forward will be "GS"):
1) 5 x 3 Strict Pull-Ups --- Last pull-up is held with Chin-Over bar for 20 seconds in a perfect hollow position, elbows under the hands/wrists, no chin touching the bar. Use a band to achieve perfect positioning.
2) EMOM15:
a) 2 Full skin-the-cats, perfect hollow position and straight body. No tucking as you rotate.
b) 10 Strict Ring Dips
c) 3 Strict straight leg raises (or strict T2B if you can make it that far), on the lower of the third rep, hold in an L-Sit for max length. Must be pronated grip.

Class - Go heavy on the single-arm press in part 1 & bump KB weight up to 70/53. Full intensity in the AmRap is the sole focus for the day. UB on all KB swings, hard as you can on the burpees. Remember, a major goal this off-season is to drop volume and increase the focus on intensity. 

Moving forward, outside of rare circumstances the only KB you are allowed to use are 70/53, and the only WB you are allowed to use are 30/20lbs. I will note otherwise if this instance comes up. 

Rest 5 minutes from class workout ending, then grab a sandbag (girls bigger black, guys red or grey) and make 3 full laps around the gym with it. Goal is to bear hug it at your chest, not have it up on the shoulder or down into the crotch. 

Extra - Grab a partner (preferably someone who maybe doesn't do extra) and coerce them into doing 20-30 minutes of mobility, stretching, or PT exercises with you. Rehab. 

Class: Squat Cycle Day 2
Position/strength group - Every squat set begins with the first 3 reps as 3s Pause Squats for the first 2 weeks of this cycle.
All other groups do the cycle as written, make any adjustments in squats that have been needed. For the front squat I would like everyone to work on or build to a full hand grip on the bar (i.e. NOT just fingertips).
Scale the DB Weight up to 55/45 but do not sacrifice speed. 

1) 5 sets of Deficit, tempo RDL x 8 reps -- Stand on two 25lb plates (side by side) and load the barbell. Begin at 185/125 or 40% of DL 1RM and build as necessary. Demo
2) EMOM12:
a) Push Press - Build to a heavy 3 or 3RM, hold 3rd rep overhead for 10-15s
b) Max UB Set Strict Pull-up (rep goal between 4-8, add resistance or assistance as needed to fall in this range)

1) Inverted, tempo, false-grip, Ring Row (YUP!) 5 x 5 with a 5s lower. I will try to get a video up on this before Wednesday for everyone.
2) EMOM12:
a) Hollow Lat Pull-downs (Demo at 33seconds in) -- Scaling options are before in the video. I cannot stress how important it is to remain hollow and have the action happen from the shoulder.
b) 8 Barbell Roll-outs (3rd exercise in video)

Aerobic capacity OR Rest day -- Testing week 1 Options:
Run - 2 Mile time trial (preferably on a track)
Row - 2k Row, rest 3 minutes, 2k Row 
Bike - 10min Airdyne - Max Cals
Swim - 800m Time Trial

Class: Squat Cycle Day 3
Position/strength group - Every squat set begins with the first 3 reps as 3s Pause Squats for the first 2 weeks of this cycle.
Curtis-P's for this class are mandatory unbroken, I. Do. Not. Care. If it messes up your muscle-ups, in actuality...I need it to. 
There is an opportunity to work Muscle-Ups in a workout today. Please be aware that if you are in the Gymnastics group, and I am unhappy with your gymnastics positioning I need you to ensure you are working on your positions and not repeating bad habits!!!

Extra -- Recover, take care of body for Saturday. It's a doozy. 

Class -- Snatch Balance + OHS heavy work. Work speed to the bottom and footwork. Opportunities for Olympic lifting will be few and far between, utilize these opportunities to stay sharp and move fast. 
Metcon -- Nancy, oh yes. Sweet Nancy. This is, hands down, a top 5 test of pain threshold and intensity in CrossFit. Embrace the pain, go as hard as you can, we will be retesting this. 

RS: 10 Rounds:
Max Weight Sled Push - Dumpster to sidewalk
Max Weight Yoke Carry - Sidewalk to Dumpster
Rest 2mins (Should be only enough to add weight)

10 Rounds:
5 Kipping Pull-ups (No butterfly), with a 3s Hold at the top of each rep
5 Kipping T2B with perfectly straight legs. 
Rest 1min

Aerobic Capacity:
Choose a second test from Thursday (one you didn't do) and complete that here. We should have 2 pre-tests. 

1 comment:

  1. I read your Nancy comment in Jim Ross voice - "Good god almighty thats Nancy's music!!!"
