Class -
1) Push Press 1RM - Testing. Get a solid warm-up and max out.
2) MetCon w/ Stone-to-Shoulder + Wall-Climbs -- Immediately upon finishing the 5-1 ladder, complete 20 Strict HSPU for time.
1) 7 x 2 Hang Power Clean (Below Knee) @ 85% of Power Clean Max
a) 10 Single-Leg, Single-Arm DL (100/70lb KB) R
b) 10 Single-Leg/Single-Arm DL L
c) 10 Face-Pulls (Should be hard for 10) Demo
1) 10x2 Weighted Pull-Up (Use a dip belt, and go up by 1lb if needed - every set should be heavier until failure, then stick at a weight you can handle for the remaining sets)
2) EMOM15:
a) 5 Tempo Ring Dips @ 33x2
b) :30 Tuck Hold on bar (Underhand grip) - Knees as high as possible
c) 10 Band-Pull-Aparts (Mandatory watch: Demo )
1) Back Squats - 8 @ 60, 65, 70, 75%
2) AmRap10: Bear complex (Scale to 75/55, mandatory unbroken), Ring Rows, DU
Rest 5 minutes from class then grab two 100/70lb DBs and head outside with a partner. 400m Farmers carry trading off with partner -- No hook grip.
Individual PT / Functional drills for 15-20 minutes.
1) Snatches
2) Butt heavy metcon, should be interesting!
Extra -- EVERYONE:
1) Front Squat - 4 x 5 @ 60, 65, 70, 75%
Superset x 5 Rounds:
2a) Kroc Row -- Max Effort R / L @ 100/70lbs (Scale down if you cannot get more than 10 to chest) (Demo )
2b) Sled Push Dumpster-to-Sidewalk - Guys (5) 45s, ladies (4) 45s on sled.
**Rest 90s between exercises - so R-Hand Kroc row, no rest, L-hand KR, 90s rest, Sled push, 90s rest - back to Kroc Rows for 5 rounds each**
Superset x 5 rounds:
2a) Work on 15-20 Ring Swings (Demo and full instruction: Mandatory full watch )
2b) 20 Hollow Rocks + 20 Superman Rocks
2c) 10 Dumbell, Hollow-Lat Pull-downs -- Demo
Aerobic Capacity work or Rest Day:
Row / Run / Bike (Use distance where .15 = 100m):
1000m: 600m (Fast), 200m (Hard), 200m (Soft)
900m: 500m, 200m, 200m
800m: 400m, 200m, 200m
700m: 300m, 200m, 200m
600m: 200m, 200m, 200m
500m: 100m, 200m, 200m
For this workout:
Fast = 2k PR + 10s/500m
Hard = 2k PR pace
Soft = 2k PR pace + 25s/500m
So if my 2k PR is 6:30 (Pace /500m = 1:37 - so my F/H/S paces would be 1:47, 1:37, 2:02 )
Class - Holleyman -- Goal for this is strict HSPU in a very tight position. Wallballs will be 30/20lbs.
Grab the 160/120lb Sandbag (Grey/Black) and with a partner take it out for 400m -- We are going to get better at these!
Class -
1) Back Squats 8 @ 55%, 60%, 65%, 70%
2) Sprints + Strict Pull-ups
1) 7 x 3 Snatch Grip Deficit Deadlifts (Enjoy the best to ever do it, doing it: Demo )
a) 8 DB Snatch AHAP - Alternating hands, to the floor
b) 10 DB Bench Press AHAP
Complete for form:
8 Rounds:
a) 5 Strict Ring Dips + 5 Kipping Ring Dips
b) 5 Strict T2B (Or strict straight leg raise) + 3second lower for each rep
Grab a partner and complete:
15 minute running clock:
Complete a ladder as high as possible of calories on the AirDyne & Ski-Erg:
5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, etc.
*One partner on Ski-Erg, one on AirDyne - once both partners complete 5 cals, they switch machines and move onto 7 cals, each time they achieve their goal calories they switch and move onto the next rung of the ladder*
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