Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Thursday, June 18

Class will be 5RM Back Squatting - If you feel okay and are planning a rest day on Friday before squatting on Saturday you may participate.  Otherwise please swap to FS or FRWalking Lunges (10RM if choosing lunges)

Workout is a doozy / intensity driven blood bath. Get after it.

Extra Work:

Minutes 1-8 -- 1-5 Muscle-Ups (As many as you can Unbroken each minute, cap at 5/min)
**Scale to 1-5 Strict CTB Pull-Ups, and perform transition work before/after EMOM**

Minutes 9-15 -- 2 Power Cleans beginning at 185/125, add 10lbs/minute until you cannot complete 2 reps in the minute, then stay at that weight and do 1 PC until min 15 hits.  Guys if you can go above 255 for a double, begin at 225 instead and build 10lbs/minute with same scheme. 

Minutes 16-20 -- Drop weight back to 185/125 and perform AmRap unbroken Push Press each minute (1 attempt per minute) -- **NO JERKS, must be a push PRESS*


  1. This reminded me of one of my favorite Seagal quotes ever.
    "Im going to take you to the bank...the blood bank"

    1. First time squatting in a few weeks and i felt strong and fresh. I truly believe I had another set in me but the warmup wod stole that right from me.

    2. No extra work all week. I might (75%) come in Friday morning and do this emom along with 50 HSPU for time.
      8am Saturday morning is your opportunity to see me in the flesh. #SummertimeCash #LetCashLive

    3. Oh that's good. I think we need a Seagal Marathon Movie day to inspire us and teach us the fine art of delivering cheesy one liners while stroking your ponytail.

    4. Love that dude. He's Buddhist too-who knew!?

    5. Summer Cash sounds like football season Cash with these 8am workouts.

    6. I thoroughly enjoyed that scene

    7. I have a huge respect for Seagal and his movies as I've seen almost all of them onTNT while growing up. I also really appreciate the movie clip posting CA$H (good to have you back on the blog-I thought we lost you). But I still think this movie is the all-time greatest one liners

  2. I definitely PRd my sweat game today. I don't know how you evening peeps deal with the heat and and even more sweat.
    I had to wring my shirt out before taking it in the house. #TMI?

    Got 240 for 5RM BS. Didn't really have a previous # for that so I'll ignore my potentially poor record keeping and call it a PR.

    I can't recall my HR getting as jacked up this year as much as it did during this WOD.
    I never did better than the first round, and I had to rest more than I hoped to.

    Extra work - felt smoked so it was kind of s blur. Failed 4th MU so kept it to sets of 3, until the last set when I fell through the rings and landed on my face.

    The rest of the EMOM was challenging. Worked up to 185# with Littlest on the PCs, then didn't have much left for PP. got 6-8-7-7.

    1. Chris and I drove home together shirtless...topless car rides together make a great mid-afternoon man date.

    2. Maria also went through the rings (on video) and should have landed on her face, but pulled of a nice acrobatic move to land normally.

  3. Fun Fact O The Day (FFOTD)
    The U.S. Open Golf Championship is currently being played in Washington state where weed has been legalized. Patrons of the tournament are permitted to bring weed onto the course, but they are not allowed to bring in any bottled water.

    1. the question is...who will be the first active player to smoke a blunt on the course?! JD used to smoke cigs all the time, easy transition.

    2. ESPN would shut down if Tiger hits a blunt and goes "talk about a hole in one" (happy gilmore subway commercial reference)

    3. Please don't insult us by citing your quotes-if they don't know that's happy Gilmore then they don't deserve to laugh.

  4. Class-back squat up to 360x5-this was a true battle-good to back squat again-we should squat everyday.
    WOD 9+1/6+12/6+10/6+8-hyperventilating/almost blacked out.
    Extra-MU 5/5/4/2/3/2/3/3 PC-225-275 felt good PP 7/3/4/4 R shoulder not cooperating for some reason-weird but I'm not a doctor.

    Hitting skulls tomorrow with Maria @2 for anyone that can't make Saturday. It's gonna be brutal-better fuel up-I'm thinking this

    1. I feel it is best to reply to your video with a video: -- George's confusion and disdain for hip musicians possibly mirrors my feelings for these complicated bacon people.

    2. Wow. That gave me goose pimples.

  5. Class -- Front Rack WL w/ CSans:
    185 x 10
    225 x 10
    245 x 10
    265 x 4

    Metcon - This made a complete little bitch out of me, back, knees, shoulder and pride all totally demoralized. Didn't have it mentally or physically for this one...not sure what happened, but I definitely do not believe I got better here.

    1-8 - All 5 UB Muscle-Ups
    9-15 - 225, 235, 245, 255, 265, 275 x 2 - no misses.
    16-20 - PP Felt pretty rough, started slow - 5, 7, 7, 8 (we missed a round somewhere)

    Had a better extra work session, so mentally counting class as an extended warm-up for a lighter volume day...CSans and I agreed this was the most positive outlook for this session today.

    Shout out to John Sansbury who absolutely destroyed today's class workout - which definitely goes down as a top 5 Jay bully workout. Maria pushed it pretty well today too, super proud of you the heat of battle you rose to the occassion. It was sweet having Shelby join us too for extra....though SHE ISN'T POSTING ON THE BLOG YET!

    1. Just PR'd my comment game.

    2. Shoot! Just got called out. And it's midnight and I'm awake therefore not recovering properly so that's two strikes. Honestly, I read these posts because they're actually hilarious. Well done everyone! One day I'll post (maybe).

    3. Shelby! Ohhhh snap.
      There's no going back now.

  6. Lunges with Jibs hit all of them. Workout… took one minute to fully understand the magnitude of deep shit I was in. Lower was fried and a good old fashion as whooping by johnny.

    Extra hit 5 x 5 in muscle ups (had to do 3/2 on last two- need to get gymnastics wraps asap) took a minute off to wrap hands and hit 4's on last two minutes. Hit all the cleans jibs did and push press at 185.. 10-8-6-7.

    Dead… in honor of no longer living I give you all this…

    1. The best part of that video is the introduction to the cast-classic

      Nice job on PR for video posts too everyone.

    2. I feel like it's my obligation to provide some much needed
      balance via some epic Clueless and Legally Blonde montages.

    3. Why would you post from clueless.......

    4. Haha exactly.
      That was essentially Grant after his Halloween Drago hair dye incident.

  7. Squats: did 5 at 155. First time back squatting since before the open. Felt good. Plan on staying light for awhile.

    Workout: 6+9, 6 ( stopped to pad other quad), 6+5, 6+5. Box jumps hurt back. Went to step overs then bar facing burpees last round.

    MU. I don't remember each min. Something like 5.5.1(my hand slipped .... Needed more chalk!). right shoulder tired but I still quit a lot before I need to I think :/

    Cleans: 125-185 2ea min no misses. 2nd at 185 not pretty

    PP: 14, 0 ( was done 5 sec before next min-needed rest), 8, 5

  8. Did class tonight but was having some IT band pain so didn't lift for extra work. I worked on double unders for a bit after class.

  9. Completely missed today. Hamstring are beyond tight and pretty much shot. Hurts to break bend over. Been rolling them out and just praying I can perform Saturday. Suggestions are welcomed as always. Might stop in tomorrow and actively recover.

    1. Row/Run - Do a steady state 20-25 minute piece at about 80% followed by squats and movements that stretch out the hamstrings (but don't really work them) - i.e. straight leg deads, good mornings, KBS, etc. (light) -- Rolling out won't really help.

    2. Row/Run - Do a steady state 20-25 minute piece at about 80% followed by squats and movements that stretch out the hamstrings (but don't really work them) - i.e. straight leg deads, good mornings, KBS, etc. (light) -- Rolling out won't really help.

    3. Row/Run - Do a steady state 20-25 minute piece at about 80% followed by squats and movements that stretch out the hamstrings (but don't really work them) - i.e. straight leg deads, good mornings, KBS, etc. (light) -- Rolling out won't really help.

  10. I did yesterday's work and it was not my best day. Back squatting may be my favorite but I didn't have a PR in me yesterday (to be fair, I had already PRd my 5 rep max on Tuesday in hatch so at least I have that going for me).

    As everyone has sufficiently stated, that workout got real, real quick. Also, I was working by Lisa who was dominating so that highlighted my struggle even more. I was getting through the 6 every time and 1 or 2 more thrusters in a few rounds. Dropped every time for the thrusters so as not to rub the burn on my leg (which is almost healed!).

    Did extra work. Got 1 or 2 muscle ups each minute. I struggled with these today. For the PCs I worked up to 145 then couldn't do the two unbroken so I stayed there for singles. Stringing heavy weights together is something I need to work on! The push presses weren't pretty. I have to come clean though...I knew I was not supposed to jerk. And I was focused on not doing that! But I am pretty sure I slightly jerked on at least a few :/ sorry Jeff!! I was only getting 1 at 125 so I dropped to 115 where I was still only getting 2 soo that was fun. But... On the plus side today is a new day so at least there's that!

    1. Real proud of you.
      Back at it tomorrow. Like a champ

    2. New day, New Journey, New Obstacles, New triumphs.. keep grinding (head point with awkward eye contact) See ya Saturday!
