Saturday, June 20, 2015

Sunday, June 21

Championship Sunday:

0-60 - You know the drill:

EMOM20 - 1 Squat Snatch. You will begin at 50% max and add 10/5lbs every minute until failure.  You are allowed 2 failures then you will leave your bar at that weight and rest until 20.

10min AmRap:
3 Squat Cleans @ Snatch Max Wgt.
6 Parallette HSPU (abmat with (1) 45lb plate under it in between) - Kipping allowed
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

With a partner complete:
80 DB C&J (65/55) (Double Hand Snatch is allowed, Choose a weight you can easily control overhead when fatigued)
*Every Switch, drop, or break one partner must run 200m* (Other partner may work while one is running, but may only complete 1 max unbroken set)
*Cap at 47minutes*

Alternating with the same partner:
Odd: 15/12 Cals Airdyne
Even: Max HS Walk distance / OR / Time accumulated in a HS Hold 


  1. Lone wolf for the 11am championship Sunday. That was a hard workout to stay motivated solo. Worked up to 190 snatches no misses stopped round early form was getting off.

    4 rounds 2 cleans on Amrap had to lip hspu after first round.

    Did 4 sets 10 dB c&j didn't keep solid look at time

    Emom air dyne kicked my ass. Finished 12 cals at about 49 secs each round. Hs holds felt good.

  2. Championship Sunday was performed at an off site location with Lisa.

    I finally snatched 210!!! Which is a 5lb PR. I have been working for this day a long time. Failed 220 but it will happen soon , real soon.

    The rest of the workout was really hard keeping up with Lisa. A lot of fun!!

  3. Awesome morning. Snatching with CSans was inspirational. He's so close to 300#!

  4. ED - Same back to you brother and congrats mirth! Great work everyone!
