Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Wednesday, July 1

Extra work is heavy today! Come with some high T-Levels!

1) Squats - Wk5D1
8 @ 65
6 @ 75
4 @ 85
4 @ 90

2a) FS
5 @ 70
4 @ 80
3 @ 85
3 @ 90

2b) Muscle-Ups - Perform 7-10 after each set of FS (goal is to make 30+ in the 4 sets).

If no muscle-ups perform Max Ring Dips, followed by 5 transitions w/ red band. 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Tuesday, June 30

Squats will be Wednesday and Sunday this week. 

a) Snatch - 5 x 2 @ 80% - *Not TnG, drop each rep*
b) Drop Snatch - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 --- After each set of snatches perform one set of 3 Drop Snatch, increase load each set.

c) Death by:
Min 1: 10 WallBall, 1 Pull-up
Min 2: 10 WB, 2 Pull-ups
Min 3: 10 WB, 3 Pull-ups
Min 4: 10 WB, 4 Pull-ups, etc. 

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Championship Sunday, June 28

Today, due to the majority of folks hitting the 90 minute mash-up yesterday, we will have a more classic skulls day.

1) Squats - Hatch Wk4D2
8 @ 65%
8 @ 70%
8 @ 75%
8 @ 80%

2a) FS
5 @ 60
5 @ 65
5 @ 70
5 @ 70

2b) 10 Plyo Push-ups (5 high, 5 low newbs) - after each set of FS perform a set of 10 for max height!

3) "Amanda" 
9 - 7 - 5:
Squat Snatches (135/95)

Rest 3 minutes

2k Row - Absolute Max Effort.

**I would prefer Amanda to be judged and this to be done in 2 heats, both for judging and Rowers -- If you are in the first group you will be judging from the rower, there isn't a need to count, yell or anything - just let them know if it is a no-rep and their count is right.  Do your best to make this happen #PressuringKmoneyToRunThis **

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Thursday, June 25

Class is solid today - I would highly recommend juicing up the DBs if you can handle it.  See what you're capable of but keep the intensity absolutely maximum.

Extra Work:

5 Rounds for form:
10 Strict HSPU (45s on side of abmat preferably)
25 Hollow Rocks
10 T2B
25 Superman Rocks

It has been a pretty tough week for most, make sure you rest up for the weekend, especially if you are competing.  There will be no skulls, the Sunday Mash-Up will go on as planned IF K-Money agrees to run it!  

Preciate everyone!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Wednesday, June 24

Today has optional extra work.  I would really like to see everyone give tomorrow's class as hard of a push as they possibly can. If that means that you're too dogged for extra work I will allow it for tomorrow.  I would perform this at least 45-60 minutes before class if you can, or rest a bit after class to allow maximal intensity. 

Optional Extra work:


a) Minutes 1-8: 1-6 Muscle-Ups (As many as you can Unbroken each minute, cap at 5/min)
**Scale to 1-5 Strict CTB Pull-Ups, and perform transition work before/after EMOM** The goal is to accomplish MORE total reps than you did last week.

b) Minutes 9-15:  5 Jerks at 65-70% of 1RM, taken from the ground.

c) Minutes 16-21: 15 Burpee Touch Jumps 6" each minute.  If you fail to achieve the reps in the minute for more than 1 round, complete a 7th round (minute 22).

*** If hands are torn up from the workout, perform the next two sections for 8 minutes a piece. *****

Monday, June 22, 2015

Tuesday, June 23

Squats this week will be Tuesday/Saturday:

Extra: Wk4D1 Squats -- 

8 @ 65
8 @ 70
6 @ 80
6 @ 85

2a) FS
5 @ 70
5 @ 75
5 @ 80
5 @ 85

2b) **Supersetted with FS**
Ring Dips - Perform 3 weighted Dips with a dumbbell between legs, then drop the DB and perform max kipping dips.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Sunday, June 21

Championship Sunday:

0-60 - You know the drill:

EMOM20 - 1 Squat Snatch. You will begin at 50% max and add 10/5lbs every minute until failure.  You are allowed 2 failures then you will leave your bar at that weight and rest until 20.

10min AmRap:
3 Squat Cleans @ Snatch Max Wgt.
6 Parallette HSPU (abmat with (1) 45lb plate under it in between) - Kipping allowed
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

With a partner complete:
80 DB C&J (65/55) (Double Hand Snatch is allowed, Choose a weight you can easily control overhead when fatigued)
*Every Switch, drop, or break one partner must run 200m* (Other partner may work while one is running, but may only complete 1 max unbroken set)
*Cap at 47minutes*

Alternating with the same partner:
Odd: 15/12 Cals Airdyne
Even: Max HS Walk distance / OR / Time accumulated in a HS Hold 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Saturday, June 20


1) Squats - Wk3D2 -- Only doing the OHS/BS portion.
10 @ 60
10 @ 65
8 @ 70
8 @ 75

2) 30-20-10:
Calorie Row
Unbroken Wall-Balls (20/14 to 10/9ft) *Any Breaks result in an immediate 10 burpee penalty*

Superset - 4 Rounds:
3a) Bench Press - Heavy 2 (Warm-up before, these should all be working sets above 85%)
3b) Band Pull-Throughs - 15 Reps - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtHwp_pj34k
3c) Rear-Foot raised Split Squats with KBs - 8-12 reps per leg - build up to heavy KBs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vw-e8x8p1jc
3d) Banded hip thrusts -- 8-10 reps, build in bands -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3Pgx8Cl9m0

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Thursday, June 18

Class will be 5RM Back Squatting - If you feel okay and are planning a rest day on Friday before squatting on Saturday you may participate.  Otherwise please swap to FS or FRWalking Lunges (10RM if choosing lunges)

Workout is a doozy / intensity driven blood bath. Get after it.

Extra Work:

Minutes 1-8 -- 1-5 Muscle-Ups (As many as you can Unbroken each minute, cap at 5/min)
**Scale to 1-5 Strict CTB Pull-Ups, and perform transition work before/after EMOM**

Minutes 9-15 -- 2 Power Cleans beginning at 185/125, add 10lbs/minute until you cannot complete 2 reps in the minute, then stay at that weight and do 1 PC until min 15 hits.  Guys if you can go above 255 for a double, begin at 225 instead and build 10lbs/minute with same scheme. 

Minutes 16-20 -- Drop weight back to 185/125 and perform AmRap unbroken Push Press each minute (1 attempt per minute) -- **NO JERKS, must be a push PRESS*

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Wednesday, June 17

Yesterday was a high-volume/CNS toaster day.  Take today as a much lighter day, go after the Snatches in class and perform extra work at the end of class. I highly encourage extra sleep and food to keep the T-Levels up, Thursday will be no joke again - so focus in on recovery hard to finish up this week. 


1) HS Holds -- 15 seconds on/15 seconds off for 10 rounds.

2) 50 Strict HSPU for time
* Every drop off the wall complete 25 DU Unbroken (i.e. cannot move back to wall until you do exactly 25)*
Cap 10 minutes

Monday, June 15, 2015

Tuesday, June 16

We will squat on Tuesday/Saturday again this week.

Extra - 
1) BS/OHS - Wk3D1
8 @ 65%
8 @ 70%
6 @ 80%
6 @ 85%

2a) FS
5 @60
5 @ 70
5 @ 75
5 @ 80

2b) Glute Ham Raise - 15 Reps after each set of FS

3) 60 Strict Ring Dips in as few of sets as possible.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Championship Sunday, June 14

With a 60 minute running clock complete: 

Odd - 2 Rope Climbs (RX+ Legless)
Even - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 TNG Squat Snatches (RX 135/85) (RX+ 165/105) 

50 Wall-Ball
30 Burpee Box Jumps Overs 30/24"
50 Wall-Ball
*You must either scale up in WB OR wear a weightvest*
**This should be finished and provide a decent amount of rest before the next AmRap - Cap @ 30:00**

10min AmRap:
50ft HSWalk
20 Alt DB Snatches (65/45)
Row/AD 20 Cals

First half of flight simulator (up to 50) 
*After each 'rung' of the ladder complete one sled push length (sidewalk and back - 2/1 45's on)

Equipment checklist:
Barbells at 165/135/105/85
DB 65/45

Friday, June 12, 2015

Saturday, June 13th

Endeavor's competition "The Validus Games" had a spot open up and we were the top team on the waitlist.  It is Saturday, June 27 - Chris and John could be in, but would need 3 girls and another guy.  Let us know in the comments or tomorrow at Skulls if you would be willing to do that. I need to let AJ know by tomorrow afternoon.  

Chris and I will be coming from the Rogue Garage Sale -- Hopefully we will be back around 11am, however if not we'll be back ASAP.  

Skulls - 11:35a Start time.

Hatch - Week2Day2

10 @ 60
8 @ 70
8 @ 75
8 @ 80

2a) FS
5 @ 60
5 @ 65
5 @ 70
5 @ 70

2b) Push Press (Superset with FS)
5-5-3-1 -- Build in weight each set.

3) Conditioning:
3 Rounds for time:
7 Bar Muscle-Ups
7 Squat Clean + Jerks (205/135)

4) Accessory - 
a) Tabata AirDyne battle v2.0 - Try to beat last weeks Cal number.

b) - Strength - 5 x 5 Straight Leg DL @ 50% of DL +
    - Gymnasts - 80 Glute-Ham Raises in as few of sets as posssible, or 50 weighted if you can.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Thursday, June 11

Extra Work:


1) Jerk Balance 5 x 3 -- 45/50/55% - Try not to work above this, focus on footwork. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=17&v=2uSBT7csXgU )

2) Pause Jerks - 5 x 1 -- Begin @ ending weight for #1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIv9MonbjNI   -- Slightly above last week in wgt, still form focused. 

EMOM12 - Power Clean + Split Jerk -- Rebuild mechanics after class. Footwork should be perfect on the clean catch and jerk.  Weights as desired, if you're beat up go lighter, if you feel good go a it heavier. 


5 x 10 Plyo Push-Ups -- Put 2 (45lb) plates on the side of both hands and perform 5 sets of 10 plyo push ups jumping your hands up and down - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgkyTtQ0ODE

For Time + Form:

50 Ring Dips (may kip)
50 Strict HSPU
50 Ring Dips

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Wednesday, June 10

Class -- Extra scoop day. Come ready to get after it -- If coach allows take the Thrusters from the floor for the strength.

Extra Work:

Strength/Oly -- Preferably done before class:

1) Warm-Up --
a) Burgener warm-up with PVC & Barbell.
b) 3 Rounds of 3 Muscle Snatch @ 45/50/55 (%)
c) 5 rounds of 2 Sotts Press building in weight. Start light, have a perfect squat - We're not focused on heavy here, we're focused on opening up the shoulders and positioning. 

2) Workout:
a) EMOM12 - 2 Pause Snatches - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8QBSDzO39E -- Begin @ around Sotts press weight and build. Should be all squats. 

b) 5 x 3 - Drop Snatch - ( http://www.catalystathletics.com/exercise/312/Drop-Snatch/ ) - Each set must be heavier than last week (even by 5lbs)

Gymnastics -- 
1) Warm-Up -- 
a) Interval Freestanding HS hold/walk. Work on position. 15 Seconds on, 15 seconds off for 8 rounds.
b) 5 x 3 (note the switch) Negative HSPU w/ 8s lower - Must be higher than last week. 

2) Workout:
5 Rounds
a) In the video look at the last exercise - Perform 15 PVC Pull-downs in a hollow position on the ground.  (video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPPoGGyHnbw )
b) 30 Second support ring hold -- Work on hollow position and turning the rings slightly out. 
c) 7-6-5-4-3-2-1:
Leg Raises against band (straight)
Knee Tucks (We've done these in class a lot, band low on the rig, feet underneath, do 7 leg raises, 7 knee tucks, 6 leg raises, 6 tucks, etc. Do not let heels touch the ground during these sets! DO. NOT. LET. HEELS. TOUCH. THE. GROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Tuesday, June 9th

Hatch Squats will be Tuesday/Saturday this week.

FOR CLASS -- Ask coaches if you can scale reps up for Pistols inside the workout.

Extra Work:

Wk2D1 - 


2a) FS/FS/Belted Squats

2b) After each set complete 7 muscle-ups. Rest as needed before the squats, but aim to perform the muscle-ups quickly after the squats.

If no muscle-ups complete:
3 Transitions + 5 Dips after each set. 

**If not able to do squats today re-test your 30 MU for time**

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Championship Sunday, June 7th

If you missed squats yesterday please make those up. 

With a 60 minute running clock complete:

0-10:00 - 

With a partner complete - Max DUs and WBs in 8 minutes.  
*Partner A begins on DUs, Partner B begins on WBs - Athletes may only switch when first athlete hits 100 DU*
30lb WB (10ft) or 12ft for men
20lb WB (9ft) or 11ft for women


Thrusters (115/75)
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
*as a team of 2* *Cap at 12mins*


"Ben Smith" Power Clean and Jerk (no rest in rack position) - Begin at 50% and build in weight every minute -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nx-iLHmAsGU -- Ben Smith enters around 38minutes. 

FGB Timer - 1min Max Effort, each station 4 rounds through:
Row (Damper @ 10)
DB Hang Squat Cleans (55/35)
Burpee Box Jumps (24/20")
HSPU (Flat - Kipping allowed, but aim to stick to "Open" standards if you kip)

Friday, June 5, 2015

Saturday, Skulls June 6th

For today, I would like everyone to first start by either a) Reading John's lengthy first comment explaining D-Day, or b) recognizing the awesomeness that is D-Day by watching episodes 1-3 of Band of Brothers or the first 40 minutes of Saving Private Ryan - then think about how badass those dudes were.

After your session of getting jacked up by the awesomeness of our elders complete:

10 @ 60%
8 @ 65%
8 @ 70%
8 @ 75%
*Rest 2:30 between sets*

**If you failed any reps on Day 1 you must cut 15/10lbs off your max for this cycle**

2a. FS/FS/Belted Squats
5 @ 60%
5 @ 65%
5 @ 70%
5 @ 70%

2b. Bench Press
*To be completed immediately after your squat set, then rest 2 minutes before your next squat set*

3. 12min AmRap:
10 Clean and Jerks @ 205/135
5 Rope Climbs
30 T2B

4. Head-to-Head Airdyne Tabata - Adversaries will be paired off for a calories battle in one tabata.

5. 4 x 60ft HS Walk 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Thursday, June 4th

Preferably done before class - for today only we will be doing just one portion:

Back Squat/OHS/FRWL depending on your choice of group:

10@ 60%
8 @ 70%
6 @ 75%
4 @ 80%

*Rest 3mins between sets*
**After each set complete one max set of strict ring dips**

I became violently ill tonight, so I will see you guys when I see you -- please use comments for questions.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Wednesday, June 3

Extra work:

Do not do BOTH portions in Full!  If you want some extra gymnastics/oly work you may work through the warm-up, that is it.  Do not do both full workouts. The Warm-ups are skills and drills to reinforce positions.  The workouts are portion where we need to increase intensity and go heavier.  Realize the difference and focus where you should be for each individual part.  


1) Jerk Balance 5 x 3 -- 40/45/50% - Try not to work above this, focus on footwork. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=17&v=2uSBT7csXgU )

2) Pause Jerks - 5 x 1 -- Begin @ ending weight for #1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIv9MonbjNI 

1) Squat Clean + Front Squat + Pause Jerk - E90s for 8 Rounds (12mins) - Build in weight - Nothing above 80%

4 rounds:
2a) Clean Deadlift w/ 3s pause @ knee -- 3 Reps @ 90-100% (use straps)
2b) Pendlay Row - 5 Reps ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Weu9HMHdiDA ) - Light enough for good form. 
*Superset these*


1) Skin-the-Cat - 5 x 2

4 Rounds - EMOM12
a) 8 Strict HSPU - With any remaining time complete AMRAP hollow rocks. 
b) 5 Strict Hanging Leg Raises - Legs fully extended and pinned together. 
c) 10 Band-Pull-Aparts. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Super Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015

Week 1 of 12 -- Ensure you read this post in it's entirety to fully understand how the next 12 weeks will run.

Everyone will be jumping into a lower body strengthening cycle regardless of what group you fall into. There is no more cardio group, once per week everyone will have a monostructural cardio piece to be done on their own at a separate time from their workout. This will most commonly fall on Saturday or an off day. Your focus right now is to get stronger - make sure you eat for that goal. I will let you know the days of the week you will be hitting your version of Hatch on Monday or Tuesday of each week so you can plan extra time accordingly.  Typically you will squat one additional day for a maximal attempt on top of hatch during the week.  

Hatch version options:

1) Back Squat/Front Squat - Classic.
2) Front Squat/OHS - Position focus, for those who struggle sitting into a vertical squat or have a massive disparity in their squats. 
3) Front Rack Walking Lunge / Belted Squats - For those who run into team back pain.  

Hatch and numbers can be entered here: Hatch Download -- There is also the sheet in the gym for reference. 

This week your squatting schedule will look like this:

Tuesday - FS Max (in class)
Thursday - Hatch Wk1D1
Saturday - Hatch Wk1D2

On your hatch days you will have minimal other extra work due to time constraints, and what you do have will be added in as a super set between sets.  

Groups over the coming weeks will be focusing on, and frequenting the same workouts and the same extra work -- some of you may find this boring, but focus on perfecting the simple fundamentals.  Re-evaluate things that you have never focused on before.  If it is snatching, each person should be beyond the simple thought process and mechanics taught in year one -- we should be on to more advanced work and hammering down weaknesses.  Now is the time to fix issues permanently instead of letting them linger for another year.  Along these lines the extra work will be a priority throughout these weeks.  Class and Metcons are preferred on the Tuesday-Thursday schedule, however not at the expense of missing out on your weaknesses/extra work.  I.e. I would MUCH RATHER you spend the time on the side drilling snatch work or muscle-up work than hitting a kettlebell swing and burpee workout.  There will be plenty of time later in the year to lock down bigger engines and higher intensity - but right now you need to get stronger and improve positions. 

Tuesday extra work:

Strength/Oly -- Preferably done before class:

1) Warm-Up --
a) Burgener warm-up with PVC & Barbell.
b) 3 Rounds of 3 Muscle Snatch @ 40/45/50 (%)
c) 5 rounds of 2 Sotts Press building in weight. Start light, have a perfect squat. 

2) Workout:
a) EMOM12 - 2 Snatch lift-offs ( http://www.catalystathletics.com/exercise/389/Snatch-Lift-off/ ) + 1 Power Snatch + 1 Snatch - Begin @ 60%, do not go above 75%. 

Gymnastics -- 
1) Warm-Up -- 
a) Inverted Tabata (10s on, 20s off) - Freestanding HS hold/walk. Work on position.
b) 3 x 5 Negative HSPU w/ 8s lower -- Use ballistic blocks or 3 45lb plates for each hand and do controlled lowers with perfect body position.

2) Workout:
5 Rounds
a) Max Set with perfect form of pull-up bar lat pull-downs (video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPPoGGyHnbw )
b) 5 Tempo ring dips - strict - with 2s pause at top & bottom positions.
c) If have muscle-ups - one set w/ tight body position (max: 6)
If don't have muscle-ups - 5 x transitions preferably with purple or red bands - Dip out every rep.