Sunday, May 22, 2016

May 23-May 30

Happy Week 1 of Jeff programming for main class:

Week 8:
This week we are off our deload week and we will be getting into what I consider the most difficult of all the training cycles this year. This will require you to be very, very dialed in with recovery, nutrition and SLEEP! I know some of you have a competition around the end time of this cycle - This should prep you well for it and a PR there should you get a max lift, but you HAVE to maintain your bodies. 

Monday, May 23

1) Back Squat 1RM
2) Thruster/Burpee MetCon (Your welcome JKap, this combo coming for you ALL YEAR #Sub9SixteenPointFive)

1) Hi-Hang Snatch x 2 Reps - EMOM15:
Begin around 40-50% - and build only when your reps are perfect. You may not go up if:
- You have to move or shift your feet forward or backward when standing up. 
- Your head and eyes are not up on the horizon when you catch and stand. 
- You're toe-sy.
- You're slow. 
Keep track of how many out of the 30 reps you felt were perfect. We will aim to improve on this next week. Practice in Olympic Lifting DOES NOT make perfect, perfect practice does. 

Raw Strength:
1) Take 60% of our 1RM Back Squat today and complete 4 sets of 10 Reps.
2) 40 Kroc Row Reps / Arm with 115/70lbs (or as heavy as you can)

Gymnastics Strength:
1) EMOM7:
Pick your group based on ability (need to be able to make at least a few rounds to chose your option):
a) 7 Muscle-ups - Broken up 4/3 every round.
b) 5 MU - Broken up 3/2 every round.
c) 3 MU - Broken up 2/1 Every round.
*If these are NOT accomplishable then you will hit 5 Strict Ring Pull-Ups + 5 Strict Ring Dips each round, and then hit 5 x 5 MU Transitions before & after the EMOM7. (and every day, all the time, until eternity...Right Jade/Sunshine?)

Tuesday, May 24
1) Griff
2) Farmers Carry/SB Carry medley


1) Sled Drag w/ Strap backwards (around hips, like a belted squat) -- Go 100m w/ bodyweight on sled, then trade off with a partner. After trading off and getting OFF the sled, perform 25 Air Squats as fast as possible. Then jog to catch up to your partner. 800m total as a team - so 4 legs of 100m + 100 air squats. 

Wednesday, May 25
1) Gymnastics work
2) Partner Squat Clean work

1) E90s for 15mins (10 rounds):
2 Jerks - Begin at 60%, same rules as Monday - You may build only if balance and footwork for both reps are perfect. 
2) 5 x 3 Push Press @ 80% of 1RM

Thursday, May 26
1) 12 x 250m Row Sprints - Rest 1min between efforts. 1st Attempt should be for a 250m PR, then note times as they deviate from your best. 
2) Squat Program:
Front Squat:
3 x 10 @ 65%
1 x 8 @ 70%