Sunday, April 17, 2016

April 18-April 25

Week 3:
Monday will post tonight - The week will fill in as we finalize some programming tonight/tomorrow for later in the week!

Class - 
1) Back Squats:
6 @ 60%
6 @ 65%
6 @ 70%
6 @ 75%
6 @ 80%
2) DB Carry/Snatch workout -- Ladies try 55's if you can!

1) 10 x 1 Hang Power Clean - @ 90-95% of Max (Should be at least 10-25lbs heavier than last week at least)
2) EMOM12:
a) Single-Arm DB Strict Press x 10 Reps - As heavy as possible L
b) Single-Arm DB Strict Press x 10 Reps - As heavy as possible R
c) Double DB Bent-Over Row x 8 Reps (Floor to chest in an RDL position)

1) 5 x 5 Strict Pull-ups @ 2222 Tempo for each
2) 5 Rounds for form:
:30s HS Hold - Wall facing, nose and toes
10 Hollow-Lat Pull-downs hanging on pull-up bar (Demo at :33) - Slow and controlled
20 Hollow-Rocks

Class - Strongman day

For Time complete:
30 Squat Cleans @ 185/125
rest 3mins then...
EMOM until failure: 18/13 Cals Airdyne

Class - FS - 5@ 60, 65, 70, 75, 80%
2) Helen - Mandatory PR -- This means channel every ounce of intensity you have in your body, focus and crush this. 

1) E2MOM10 (5sets): 5 TnG DL @ 80-85% 
2) Superset - 5 Rounds:
a) Z-Press 10 Reps @ Combined weight of DB for Monday's Single-Arm DB press
b) Kroc Row @ 100/70lbs or same as last week - Mandatory 2-3 reps more each round.

1) 10 x 3 Tempo Ring Dips @ 22x2 - Perfect hollow maintained throughout.
2) Superset - 5 rounds:
a) Chest-to-Ring hold as long as possible (Do a strict pull-up on the rings until your chest touches and hold there as long as you can. Maintain body position, use a band if necessary - minimum time :10)
b) GHD Sit-Up Complex: 5 Sit-Up + 10s Hollow hold + 5 Sit-Ups + 10s Hollow Hold + 10 Sit-ups

Aerobic capacity Swim/Row/Bike/Run workout - Your choice

Class - BS - 6 @ 55, 60, 65, 70, 75%
2) Repeat workout with Lateral bench jumps from a few months back. Find time, retest intensity.

Grab two black (50lb) sandbags together, bear hug both into your chest and walk out to the 400m turn around. Once there, get both onto your shoulder(s) and run back (think a swing clean). For every time you drop them during the 400m do 5 Squats with them bear hugged into your chest at the end. 

1) TGU 2RM -- Test your newly build core strength and shoulder stability side-to-side!
2) Great partner workout - Try to get C&J done with only 2 sets/person!

RS: Establish a new 1RM Hang Power Clean

GS: Establish the following:
1) Max Strict UB Pull-Ups - take one good attempt
2) 1RM Pull-Up (for weight added to dip belt)

5 Rounds:
25/20 Cal AD Sprint
1 Empty sled sprint Full parking lot length AND back
rest -- 4 Partners cycling on the same equipment, rest until your turn is back up. 

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