Monday, April 21, 2014

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014

1) Jerk Grip OHS -- Warm up to 70% of last weeks 3RM and complete 5x5 - If you can try a squat jerk into the first rep.

2) 500m Row
10 Muscle-Ups
250m Ski
20 Pull-Ups
250m Ski
20 Pull-Ups
250m Ski
10 Muscle-Ups
500m Row

3) Tabata Double Unders -- Every break = 1 penalty. At the end of the Tabata calculate up your penalties and complete 10 Burpees per Penalty.

Extra Class Work:
EMOM10 - 2-5 Muscle-Ups -- Whatever you can do or maintain for the entire ten minutes.  Does not need to be unbroken, but complete the same number each minute. 


  1. Attempted 1 mu every 30 seconds for 10 mins = 14/20

  2. 1. Did 3 sets at 115 and the final two at 135. These felt good today. Probably could have done 155
    2. 14:58
    3. 30 burpee penalty

  3. 1) 5 sets @ 95 -- Felt awful, I suck at these, maybe one day my knees and shoulders wont feel like someone is driving a pick axe into them for these.

    2) 12:11 -- MU were 6/4, and 4/3/3 - PU were 20 UB each round - Rows were 1:43, 1:54.

    3) 32 UB every round, no misses.

  4. Done on Thursday 4/24

    1) done at 125#, able to squat jerk all but the first set. Got easier as I went along

    2) 16:13-- MU were 3/3/2/2 (started out not feeling great) and 2/1/2/1/1/1/2- Pull ups were 12/8 each. Rows were 1:58 and 1:55 (I went out really fast on that last row and almost died). Triceps were really tired before starting....I blame the long push up/wb workout yesterday

    3) 3 rounds no misses-stopped because had wierd sharp pain in left knee (but that only hurt with jumping)
