Saturday, December 31, 2011

Saturday - December 31, 2011

1) Hi- Bar – 235# x 10, 255# x 8, 275# x 8, 295# x 8
2a) Press – 145, 155, 155, 160 (x3)
2b) FS – 205, 215, 235 x 2 (x5)

Did some 50lb Weightvest Shuttle Sprints (same distances) — clearly not the same…definitely need to invest in a butcher/prowler when I can.

20 minutes alternating practice/testing between HS Walks and Standing Vertical Jump Test.
Pretty good, got 3-4 walks around 25-30ft, practiced these yesterday on my rest day also, around the same had one that was 34 yesterday which was a PR…getting more consistent at least, but it takes me awhile to get warmed up to good longer ones.
Hi-Jump — went 27″, 31″, 30″, 29″, 26″ (called it, knees bugging me a bit) — Got to 10ft 5in though standing, pretty close to being able to dunk from a standing position, kinda cool. 

Video coming later. Happy new year guys!


Thursday, December 29, 2011

 Thursday - December 29, 2011

1a) 5X1 Power Clean – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
250, 255, 260, 265, 270 (PR) - 280(F) Felt Great, I've got 280 in the bag soon!
1b) 5X1 Press Cluster – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
185, 195, 205, 215, 225 -- Felt Surprisingly good!
Notes: Press Cluster is – Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk. Obviously this is performed without putting the barbell down.

  4 rounds for reps/meters/weight of: (Took off of the C2B, Biceps still hurting a bit)
1 minute ME Row for Meters (355, 323, 322, 319)
-rest 1 minute
10 Weighted Ring Dips (35lbs x 4 sets x 10)
Rest 1 minute
1 minute Weighted Plank Hold (125lbs x 4 sets, typically between 40 and 55 seconds)
-rest 1 minute

3 x 10 Weighted GHD Sit-Ups 52lbs

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

 Wednesday, December 28, 2011

1) Hi-Bar Back Squat -- 235 x 10, 270 x 8, 295 x 6, 310 x 4
2a) 4 x 10 Parallette HSPU -- Used 70lb KBs as paralletes, went to just below the handles ~1.5inch deficit
2b) Front Squat - 200 x 5, 235 x 5, 235 x 5, 235 x 5

12 minute AmRap partner WoD:
8 Deadlifts @ 315#
Bear Crawl 15m
30 Double Unders
Crab Crawl 15m

I completed 68 deadlifts (8rounds +4 deads) unbroken at 315 (sets of 8), and did all 240 Double Unders unbroken (sets of 30) as well. I was able to rest a lot going fast and unbroken waiting for my partner to finish, almost wish I could go at this one solo today, definitely my two best movements. We dominated though and it felt really good today. Awesome day…WIN…EVERYTHING
M/F/S = 3/4/2
Tuesday - December 27, 2011

BB Gymnastics
1) 145 x 5 (3 Position Snatch, Floor, Hang, Hi-Hang) — Felt awesome, started flying under on the hi-hang, no fails.
2) 205 x 5 (3 position Clean, floor, hang, hi-hang) — Felt EVEN BETTER! was killing this, will upload a video of my last set (only one I got) later — fast elbows, popping today. Cleans
3) Snatch Balance — (125, 145, 155, 165, 175) x 3 — Not quite as good on these, have a tough time getting in position, but the 175 actually felt the best, so that is encouraging.

3 Rounds for time of:
21 Burpees
21 KBS 70lbs
21 Wall-Ball 20lbs
Time: 10.41
Nothing much to report, unbroken on KBS and Wall Ball, burpees were a little slow though.
Midline (time permitting)

Only had 5 minutes, so I did 70lb KB AmRap in 5 minutes, got 12 (6/arm).
Great day, arm soreness is almost gone, had unreal pop in my hips today.
m/f/s = 1/1/4

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sunday - December 25, 2011

“The 12 Days of Outlaw”
*After completing the first movement go back to 1 and begin again adding a new movement each round. There are 12 total rounds with one new movement being added each round. I.E. do 1 C&J, then 1 C&J + 2 MU, then 1 C&J + 2 MU + 3 Box Jumps, etc. The WOD is complete when the 12 Front Squats are completed.
1 Clean & Jerk @ 225/150#
2 Muscle-Ups
3 Box Jumps 36/30″
4 Hang Squat Snatch @ 115/75#
5 Bar Facing Burpees
6 Push Press @ 115/75#
7 Pistols (alternating)
8 T2B
9 Wall Ball 20/14#
10 C2B Pullups
12 Front Squats @ 225/150# (no racks)
For time.
Notes: Clean & Jerk may be any style. Muscle-Ups must be performed (as always) with a full turnout. HSPU are head to floor (no need for Regionals standard), and kipping is allowed. Racks ARE NOT allowed for Front Squats.

Time: 55.18 as RX
Went unbroken through the 11th day (HSPU, went 8/3 both sets), broke the hang squat snatches (2xF) on the 12th day, HSPU, and FS (7/5)…
Overall Thoughts — Fun, really not as bad once you got into it, I wish I would’ve gone faster on the first 9 days, it was intimidating and I didn’t have much reason to rest, going unbroken was pretty easy…Chest-To-Bar killed (arms still blown up), pistols, hang squat snatch and muscle-ups were what I looked forward to the least. On the upside, HSPU kipping went great, and all the Muscle-Ups and C&J’s were easy. Should’ve gone unbroken on the Front Squats, but rushed getting on the bar to try to finish…
Fun test, glad I did it…Rest Day: Earned/Needed
M/F/S = 1/4/6

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Saturday - December 24, 2011

5×2 Snatch Grip Deadlift @ 125% (of 1rm Snatch) – rest 90 sec.

250lbs -- Easy, held solid form and worked on speed.

Dynamic Strength

1a) Back Squat: 10×2 @ 65%+25% Band – rest 40 sec.
245 + Green Bands -- Easy

1b) Bench Press: 10X2 @ 65%+25% Chains – rest 40 sec.
125 + Doubled up Reds, pretty heavy on the band tension.

4x100m Shuttle Run – rest 1:1
15, 17, 16, 17

Crazy sore 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011


1a) 7X2 Hang Power Cleans – heaviest possible, rest 15 sec.
225# - No Misses, worked on fast Elbows and footwork

1b) 7X2 Hang Squat Snatches – heaviest possible, rest 15 sec.
155# Missed 3 out of the first 4, then hit all of them out, felt really good once I got warm.
1c) 7X2 Jerks (Split)– heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
185# -- Had to drop to singles in the later sets, some mad shoulder pain.

Overall this was very tough, mainly just fatiguing on the shoulders and mind.  Felt pretty technically proficient except on the Jerk.

100 Pullups
Row 1k
100 Burpees
 Time: 20.22

It is incredible how much this sport can still humble you after a few years of doing it.  No matter how high your deadlift, or how low your mile time, the simplest chipper can come along and just wreck shop.  I was totally blown out in the upper body from this WoD -- this is the reason I do CrossFit.  She never fails to cock-slap you in the face, and she is such a temptress, luring you to stop, to not finish the 100 burpees.  And you never feel a better sense of accomplishment than when you clap at 100, regardless of your time, because you beat that bitch away like she was Jennifer Aniston.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wednesday - December 21, 2011
Big day!

1a) Hi-Bar Back Squat 4 x 5
275, 295, 305, 320 x 5 (PR I believe, not sure on this though, definitely for high-bar)

1b) Push Press 4 x 5
185, 200, 200, 200 x 3(F)

2a) Clean grip Deadlift Pin Pulls
225 + Double Green Band x 5 x 2

2b) Pendlay Row 5 x 5
205lbs x 5 x 5

7 Rounds of:
1 Minute max distance handstand walks  
25 / 25 / 32 / 25 / 22 / 34 / 36 (results in feet gone in the minute)

1 Minute max time accumulated in a Ring L-Sit
23 / 15 / 14 / 15 / 14 / 15 / 16  (Results in seconds held in the minute)

Back Squats felt very good, like, very good!  Push Presses were very tough with only 30 seconds between the back squat set and the PP's.  The conditioning WoD was awesome, I've never felt that level of control in the handstand, making gigantic progress quickly on these, nothing makes me happier than that!  Onward and upward

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday - December 20, 2011

15 Minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch:
Snatch – 190lbs, felt great, 200 was close ( Snatches )
15 Minutes to establish a 1RM C&J:
C&J – Different story, actual C&J was 225, but I got pissed later and ripped up 250 and push pressed it…so however we count that. Feet were glued to the ground on the Jerk today.

3 Rounds for time of:
7 Muscle-Ups
21 DB Thrusters 35/arm

MetCon: 6.47 – MU’s – UB, UB, 4/3 – Thrusters – UB, 11/10, 7/8/6 – suck at DB thrusters

Establish a 3RM TGU (must be done 3 consecutive reps on each arm to count):
TGU – 75lbs x 3 both arms…only one set right after the metcon, could’ve hit higher for sure, had to coach though. Video of full day coming later.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday - December 18, 2011

1) 3 Rounds for time of:
7 Squat Clean to Thrusters @ 155/105#
50 **Unbroken** Double-Unders
15 Toes to Bar
 9.10 — only one break on DUs (first set on 11), Squat Clean Thrusters were all singles, cant quite string these together yet.

Rest 10 minutes

2) Establish a 1 Rep Max Pull-Up in 15 minutes
125lbs (weighed in at 208lbs) PR

Rest 5 minutes

3) Adding 3 reps each round to the ladder…
10 minute AMRAP of:
6 Hang Power Snatch @ 95/65#
9 KBS 32/24kg

 3 rounds + 20 (12 HSPU, 8 HPSn) — HSPU all kipping, 3 no reps for coming off the wall at the top, but overall felt good for being relatively new to kipping. Traps/Upper Back were lit up!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011

1) 15 minutes Snatch Off Blocks (Above Knee)
Worked up to 165, felt real good today, good speed underneath, I like these.
2a) Back Squat 10 x 2, 65% + 20% Band
245 + 2 Red Bands x 10 x 2 — Great speed today up and down
2b) Bench Press 10 x 2, 65% + 20% Chain (band)
215 + Doubled Up Purple Bands x 10 x 2 — Little slower on these, maybe too much band, still am a bit shaky on measuring this…

2 Hour Krav Maga/Striking seminar in place of the WoD, though I did play around on the monkey bar things yesterday and today in the warm-up, was making it the full rig (40ft) then dropping due to hands/ripping.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thursday - December 15, 2011

A: Strength
1) Take 15 minutes to work up to a heavy Jerk (any style).
245lbs -- Was ok, still need so much work on this, missed at 225
Notes: Keep going up until form breaks or you miss twice because of load.
2a) 4X2 1 Split Jerk + 1 Behind the Neck Split Jerk @ 80% of above – rest 60 sec.
185 x 2 sets
2b) 4X5 Clean Pulls – heaviest possible, use straps.
315 x 2 sets of 5 reps
3) 3X45’ Sled Pull Through – heaviest possible, rest 90 sec.
Did band pull-throughs

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wednesday - December, 14, 2011
1) Take 15 minutes to work up to a heavy Power Clean.
135, 185, 215, 235, 250, 265 (F), 265 -- Form was eh on the 265, but I went off that anyway, needed to warm up and get the lacrosse ball in the shoulders more before.

2a) 4X2 1 Hi-Hang Clean (squat) + 1 Clean (squat) @ 85% of above – rest 10 sec ONLY. (T&G reps)
2b) 4×5 1&1/4 Front Squats – heaviest possible
2a) 225, 225 x 1
2b) 215, 215 x 4
Had to stop here, shoulders killing me, totally taxed full body...

Rest 2 hours then...

15 minute AMRAP of:
ME/UB Muscle-Ups
ME/UB Double-Unders
Max of 7 Sets
1. 8/72
2. 5/45
3. 5/53
4. 6/20
5. 5/32
6. 4/50
7. 4/54
Total: 37/328  -- Happy with this.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday - December 13, 2011

1) Take 15 minutes to work up to a heavy Snatch (any style).
75, 125, 145, 155, 165, 175 (Few fails in between @ 165/175)

2a) 4X2 1 Hi-Hang Snatch (squat) + 1 Snatch (squat) @ 80% of above – rest 60 sec. (T&G reps, straps are acceptable) @ 140lbs
2b) 4X10 Strict Weighted HSPU – rest 60 sec.
20lb Weightvest, hands on 45s to an abmat.  Sets were pretty solid - 4,3,3 or 3,3,2,2
Notes: Standard is hands on 45# (that says FOURTY FIVE, not 25) plates with an ab-mat in the middle. Use whatever you can to weight yourself. A tight vest should be the best option. As far as scaling… Only do these with weight if you can do them on 25# plates UB without weight. If you cannot do the 10 strict you MAY NOT scale to kipping. You may scale to an ab-mat with no plates, or build a target for your head at any height, but DO NOT kip. These do not need to be UB.
21-15-9 of:
Snatch Balances @ 135/95#
C2B Pullups
GHD Situps
For time. 15.59
Scaled Snatch Balances to 125, had a rough time popping in the shoulders after the strength session - happy with the day though, tough for sure.